Are you ready to get Square?

After almost two years of work, I'm really excited to announce that Squaresville is going live...

What is this "Squaresville" you ask? It's a new webseries by writer/director Matt Enlow about two teens growing up in suburbia. It's a little bit Freaks and Geeks with some Daria, and a dash of Romy & Michelle. In short, it's pretty awesome.

Okay, I admit that I may be a bit biased.... I produced the show and also play a supporting role as Zelda's older sister, Sarah.

It's been fascinating watching the show progress and transform as each element came together. One of my favorite parts of the process was casting. I was a part of every session, and it was eye-opening to see the process from the "other side" -- I'll save some of those insights for another post...

Our premiere is happening in exactly a week, and the show will be available online in just a week and a half. So please: Check it out. Let us know what you think. And also... stay square.

Interact with Squaresville on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and YouTube.

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