It's only just begun...

Since I last blogged, my webseries Squaresville launched, had a party to celebrate the launch, and released three videos. It's been a busy and exciting few weeks, to say the least!

writer/director Matt Enlow & actress/producer Christine Weatherup at the Squaresville premiere

I mistakenly thought that once the show was edited, the work was done. I'm not complaining, just observing. Since most of my career and experience has been as an actor, it's been incredibly eye-opening to be on both sides of the camera for this project. I remember learning a similar lesson the first time I worked as a production assistant. As an actor I had been spoiled by a later call time and an earlier wrap. While cast and crew both work hard and face long days, the actors get to go home after the last shot is complete. The crew has to clear the set and pack gear. It seems obvious now, but it was a shock the first time I had to break things down while the actors went on their merry way!

Now that Squaresville is online there's still a lot marketing involved. Getting the word out about the show is vital. In addition, we've been doing Behind the Scenes shoots and Q&A videos (or Q&Hey!, as we like to call them.) The job is never done, but that's a problem I'm grateful to have. The show has been such a fantastic experience--making work that I'm proud of with wonderful people.

Awesome Fan Art made by Geroge Kambadais

Check out Squaresville!
(Get Excited: my first episode "airs" on Friday, April 13th!)

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